Rand Mcnally TND540 GPS Vehicle Navigation System With Lifetime Maps, 5' Widescreen Display and Preloaded maps of US & Canada

Rand Mcnally TND540 GPS Vehicle Navigation System With Lifetime Maps, 5' Widescreen Display and Preloaded maps of US & Canada
The Rand McNally TND 540LM comes with an expanded range of Wi-Fi connected services, such as weather and fuel prices. The device has a 5′ wide screen and comes with Lifetime Maps updates. The GPS features fuel and mileage logs, driving timers and provides customizable warnings and alerts.The IntelliRoute TND 540LM offers 35% more truck routing information than other GPS units. The device additionally offers millions of POI listings, junction view and RoadWork construction updates.TND540LM Features: GPS Vehicle Navigation System 5′ Widescreen Display FREE! Lifetime Map Updates Truck-Specific Routing Virtual Dashboard Traffic Everywhere Junction View Preloaded maps of US & Canada Multi-Stop Entire Route Preview Find Destinations By:- Address- Zip Code- Latitude & Longitude Customizable Warnings Enhanced Help, Tips & FAQ Cross-Reference to Printed Atlas RoadWork Construction Updates Export State-by-State & Province Mileage Enhanced Quick Planner Expanded Address Book Functionality Millions of POI Listings Exits Quick View Mile Markers ‘Bread-Crumb’ Trails Service & Maintenance Alerts

Most people reviews speak that Rand Mcnally TND540 GPS Vehicle Navigation System With Lifetime Maps, 5′ Widescreen Display and Preloaded maps of US & Canada the  are good stuff. They also say this product is the price is quite good. We’ve found pros and cons on this type of product. But overall, It’s a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you however want to know more details on this product, so read the reports of those who have already used it.

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